Day One |
One Month Later |
It's amazing what can happen in only a month. My locks are coming along nicely. There's a lot of shrinkage and frizz. There are several locks that are very condensed and I therefore can't stretch them. My guess is they'll be completely locked within 4-6 months.
I retightened the front sections at week 3 and plan to retighten the back this week. It only took me about an hour to do the entire front section, much faster than I expected. I'm very proud to say that I did not interlock any locks. I use the small nappy lock tool.
I started using Dr. Bronners Castile soap and it works great for locks. I'm still using water spritzes once a day. I haven't used any oil since day one and my hair is still very soft and moisturized even though it's cold outside. I still can't believe that pure water can keep the hair soft.
My braidlocks have brought me so much freedom. I no longer have to "figure out" what I'm going to do with my hair every morning. My hair ALWAYS looks good no matter what, even when I wake up in the morning. All I do is spritz my hair with water, fluff, and go. This is my 30 seconds morning regimen. I'll join other lock rockers and say, "I should have done this years ago!"